Thursday, March 23, 2006

Informix adapter for Ruby on Rails, reloaded

Since my last post about the Informix extension for Ruby, I have been slowly adding features and testing it succesfully with real work at the office (thank you Rafael, Óscar and Andrey), at the point that we are already relying on it, for replacing SQR and ESQL/C (used for reports and batch database processes) with Ruby.

But the point of writing the extension was for having the foundation for an Informix adapter for Ruby on Rails ... for rewriting a legacy payroll application we are suffering from.

It wasn't much difficult to adapt the previous one based on Ruby ODBC to use the native driver. It was even easier to write than the rest of adapters, thanks to some methods implemented in the native driver ad-hoc for the job and to Informix's nobleness.

This adapter is faster than the previous one of course, and relies on less layers of software. I'm still cleaning it up, but you can mail me if you want to try it.

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